Aircon Chemical Overhaul

Staying in Singapore means you have to deal with a very hot tropical climate. There will be strong sunlight for several days, making it uncomfortable to stay indoors or outdoors. Therefore, in this case, overhaul of the air conditioning becomes necessary. You must check and repair your equipment from time to time. This will ensure a breathable and comfortable environment in your home and office.

Chemical overhaul of air conditioning is a quick and effective method to make your aircon last longer

Steps involved in air conditioning overhaul

  • First , everything from the drain pipe to the bell mouth to the fan coil unit was removed. Next is to remove the fan coil unit from the wall. Upon completion, the electrical unit is disconnected from the fan blower, fan motor, coils and drainage pipes.
  • Now that the main components have been removed, we can start cleaning. We use a soft brush to remove debris , dust from the circuit board and fan. At the same time, technicians will check and test for any signs of burns or other damage.
  • Next is to clean up the disassembled components in depth. We will start with the coil, fan blower, drain, and front cover . They are soaked in a chemical solution to dissolve the debris and remove bacterial impurities . We give preference to alkaline solution over acidic solution as it can finish the job without causing any damage to the aircon parts.
  • Before injecting the aircon parts into the chemical solution, they are thoroughly cleaned under the tap. Water with chemicals to form bubbles, which can remove accumulated dust. All the dirty stuck in the interior was also completely removed. Now, the parts remain in this condition for a period of time so that the stain becomes weaker, so it can be removed quite easily later.
  • After that, your air conditioner components will be soaked in tap water to remove chemicals and prevent them from staining. Then wipe everything with a clean cloth and make sure the parts are dry. The fan coil unit is now ready to be reassembled.
  • Then vacuum the drain pipe and connect all the disassembled parts into position. These include fan coils, bell mouths and wires.
  • In the chemical cleaning process, the air conditioning cooling system also uses a vacuum tube for cleaning to remove any external media. Now, it’s time to see if there are any leaks. If the first case is found, our technicians will deal with it and fix it immediately.
  • After all this, we will run your aircon in the final test to finish the process and pass our test.